Aurora Showroom Mural

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Interior Mural

58’W x 18-24’H

Pittsburgh, PA


Aurora is one of the top technology companies behind self-driving automobiles. Founded in 2017, they are leading the movement of self-driving systems designed to operate everything from people-moving sedans to goods-moving trucks. 

For Aurora’s Pittsburgh showroom, art curators Eunoia Modern partnered with Mural Mates to design and execute a large statement piece to set the stage for their presentations. Overlapping a map of Pittsburgh, we pulled inspiration from the shapes of the landscape and the many rivers intersecting the city. Bringing in some of the iconic architectural elements from Pittsburgh, we intertwined them together to create this colorful utopia skyline to compliment their immaculately designed space. 

Art curated by Eunoia Modern

Mural design by Mural Mates in collaboration with Eunoia Modern

Painted by Nicole Poppell with assists from Kevin Mack and Jessica Alpern Brown